Slackline Tricks Encyclopedia

Tricklining is one of the most popular forms of slacklining – there are dozens of stunts to perform and the only thing you need is a simple slackline kit, no expensive equipment.

And what's great on this activity is that it is still fairly new, so new interesting tricks with attractive names are born every day and you can even create your own! Here you can find a huge list of them, with videos, pictures and tips, organized by their difficulty. (and in case you also do pogo jumping, we have a similar trick list as well ;-) Enjoy!





Most popular tricks:

Beginner slackline tricks

These are the most basic slackline tricks you can encounter – easy to learn, so you can start practicing them as soon as you learn how to keep balance and walk.

I have chosen a balanced combination of walking, static and jumping tricks as well, so that you can quickly learn the basics and form a solid base for the more advanced stuff. So let's start!

Turn around

slackline turn around

  Difficulty:  Very easy        Type: Walking

An easy and fundamental move, essential for all walking action on a slackline.

First video will show the basics – just walk a few steps, eyes fixed on a single point, then turn your head and body, and fix your eyes on some point again – do not look on your feet when turning!

The second video delves deeper into the actual turning technique – a few slackliners explain what is their favorite method.

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Walking backwards

walking backwards on slackline

  Difficulty:  Easy        Type:  Walking

The first advanced walking style is moving backwards – quite easy to do, just follow some basic advice:

As always, do not look under your feet – after some practice, you'll be able to place them on the right place automatically and without looking. Also, keep your core tight and straighten, do not bend (see the video).

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Jump mount

jump start

  Difficulty:  Easy        Type:  Mount, Jump

The first mounting trick we are going to learn to make our starts more interesting. You can jump both forward and backward, with one foot or simultaneously – try all these options and see what you enjoy the most.

Also, there are three methods according to your position – you can start parallel to the line (first video), directly towards it (second video) or even standing astride on it (third video). To make it more challenging, you can add a 180° or 360° spin to it.

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tree pose

  Difficulty:  Easy        Type:  Static

I'll have chosen also some easy static tricks for beginners – for the Tree (originally a Yoga pose), you don't even have to know how to walk on slackline, just how to keep balance on one foot.

Remember, the key to all static poses is to keep your body as still and calm as possible – so try not to shake or press too much against the line.

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Drop knee

drop knee

  Difficulty:  Easy        Type:  Static, Linking

A very important basic trick – quite easy to learn, but more importantly, it forms a base of many popular advanced stunts, for example: Double drop knee, Foot plant, Drop knee turn etc.

Also, it can be used for linking multiple tricks together or even for some crazy walking (Drop knee walk and Plane walk).

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Sitting down

sitting down

  Difficulty:  Not difficult        Type:  Static

And here we have another quite easy static pose: You start on the line, get into a squat, then move one leg forward and sit down. You can then stay with one feet in the air, or put both feet on the line and continue to keep balance just using your arms.

Afterwards, you can get up using the Seated mount or, after you learn it, the Pistol mount for example.

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Seated mount

sit start

  Difficulty:  Not difficult        Type:  Mount

A classic mounting technique, also called a sit start. You start sitting on the line with both feet on it (the closer they are to your body, the easier it is), rock yourself backwards and then lean forward and get up without using your hands for support.

This can be a little difficult, so practise just sitting on the line first. Also, make sure the slackline doesn't run directly under your tail bone (which can be painful), but rather slightly to one side.

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Bounce walk

bounce walk

  Difficulty:  Not difficult        Type: Walking, Jump

A playful and funny type of walking – as you can see in the first video, you can start with only small jumps on both feet, then try them on just one leg. There are no strict rules, just bounce along the line as you like, forwards or backwards.

After mastering that, try higher and longer jumps (second video) and finally, you can even do Lemur leaps all the way across the slackline.

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Moonwalk + Airwalk

moon walk and air walk

  Difficulty:  Not difficult        Type: Walking

Michael Jackson's popular walking styles on a slackline? Why not! Start with the Airwalk (see tutorial in the third video), which is a bit easier as you move forward.

And then continue with Moonwalk (guide in fourth video) – however, we'll do a slightly modified version as it is impossible to swap your legs during that slide on a slackline.

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Vertical jump (Ollie)

vertical jump

  Difficulty:  Not difficult        Type:  Jump

Air tricks are probably the most attractive, so we'll certainly include them in our repertoire. Your first one of these would be a simple jump above the line:

Push your weight down onto the slackline and then utilize its power to throw you up (you can bend your knees while in the air). And while landing, start with putting your feet sideways. After you master that, you can try landing with your feet inline, or add a 180°, 360° or 540° spin.

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Line snap

line snap

  Difficulty:  Not difficult        Type:  Jump

Also one of the easiest jumps. The beginning is the same as with Vertical, but instead of jumping upwards, you slide your feet from the line in opposite directions – which makes it "snap". Afterwards, you land with your feet sideways (again, you can try inline later).

Some advanced variations of this trick include multiple snaps in a row, doing it on just one foot or even walking the line using just line snaps.

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Advanced slackline tricks

After you master the basic stunts, it is time to proceed to more challenging tricks. Bouncing, jumps, new types of mounts and also some more advanced static poses – all of that is waiting for you!

Lemur leap

forward leap

  Difficulty:  Slightly difficult        Type:  Jump

Similar jump to the Vertical – just this time you'll leap forward, not up. When jumping, you can look on the spot where you are going to land – and then switch to some point ahead again. Also, start landing with your feet sideways (and try inline later).

Start with smaller distances and then slowly increase them. And later, you can combine this trick with others – for example with a 180° or 360° spin, or even a Butt bounce to create the Atomic butt bounce.

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180° spin

180 degrees spin

  Difficulty:  Slightly difficult        Type:  Linking

Half of a full turn. It's associated with the Vertical jump most often (start small to get used to the move, and then try jumping higher and higher), but there are many other variations, for example: Jump start with 180, Lemur leap with 180 or Butt bouncing with a 180 between bounces.

Once mastering this one, the next spin waiting for you is the 360°!

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Front flip dismount

front flip dismount

  Difficulty:  Slightly difficult        Type:  Jump

The first and easiest of the large flip family, I guess you have already tried it on trampoline or into water. It's quite easy (you can watch the second video for some tips), just be careful not to put too much power into the jump as you can easily rotate too much and fall on your face (third video). Also use some protective mats for your first tries.

You can make the flip parallel with the line or perpendicular, the choice is yours. This move is essential for getting into the flips category (you can continue with Backflip dismount or FF landing on the line), but also provides you with an effective way how to exit the line.

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Front lever

front lever on slackline

  Difficulty:  Moderately difficult        Type:  Static

An elbow lever from gymnastics, in tricklining called the Front lever more often – balancing on your arms while keeping your body straight in a horizontal line. It requires a good deal of both balance and strength, so start practicing on the ground, then switch to the line (but still starting from the ground) and finally start in the standing position on the line.

You can also try various tilts with your body and legs, instead of just staying still (see the second video) – or even do it inline with the line (third video). And after you master that, the insane one handed version is waiting for you!

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  Difficulty:  Moderately difficult        Type:  Static

Another static trick with high demands on your balance skills and strength, so it may be a good idea to starting practicing it on the ground first. After you develop your arm strength, move onto the line and continue.

And after you really master this pose, you can even combine it with the Front lever for example – and switch from one position to the other.

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Butt bounce

butt bounce

  Difficulty:  Moderately difficult        Type:  Bounce

One of the most popular stunts, easily linkable with many others. During the true Butt bounce, you don't use your feet to get back on the line (just touching the ground with your heels is ok and even inevitable, unless you set the line really high) – but that can be difficult to learn.

So I would advise you to start with easier versions of this trick – mounting using Butt bounce, the Sticky bounce and then the original BB using one or both legs to help you get back on the line (see the video).

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Sticky butt bounce

sticky bounce

  Difficulty:  Slightly difficult        Type:  Bounce

Also called a "Sticky buns" by Frankie Najera – easier to learn than the original Butt bounce, as you hold the line with your hands and don't immediately get back on. Just swing up and down and wait until you are ready for a return up on the line.

Also, you can mix it up with other bounce tricks (Hookup, Chest bounce etc.) to create interesting compilations.

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Butt bounce hookup

the hookup

  Difficulty:  Moderately difficult        Type:  Bounce

Another interesting Butt bounce variation – it's similar to the Sticky bounce, however on the way up you use you heels to hook yourself to the line and then go for another bounce.

You can repeat this hook as many times as you want and then get back to standing position on the line.

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Lady bounce

lady bounce

  Difficulty:  Moderately difficult        Type:  Bounce

Very similar to the Butt bounce, one leg is straight and the other bent in the knee and across the first one.

It's nicely linkable with other stuff as well – you can switch your legs between bounces (see the second video) or combine it with Butt, Knee and other bouncing tricks (first video).

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Knee bounce

knee bounce

  Difficulty:  Quite difficult        Type:  Bounce

A more difficult type of bounce – it may look quite scary at first, so you may want to try starting from lower positions (like knee-bend) first, and do the true knee bounce from standing position later.

You can also start with a Kneeling mount and instead of standing up normally, practise the bounce.

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Butt bounce mount

butt bounce mount

  Difficulty:  Moderately difficult        Type:  Mount, Bounce

The last piece to our Butt bounce puzzle – this time it's a mounting technique. Run along the line, jump and land on your butt on the slackline. Use your hands to keep balance during the bounce and while getting into the standing position.

It will probably take some time to learn, however it's a dynamic and fun way how to start your trickline compilation (or any other slacklining action).

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Kneeling mount

knee start

  Difficulty:  Slightly difficult        Type:  Mount

The kneeling mount is a great move for improving your crossline balance and strengthening your muscles as well. This trick also uses the Drop knee positition so make sure you learn that first.

The key here is to find the right spot on your knee where to touch the line – it's the soft spot just below your knee cap.

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Pistol mount

pistol mount

  Difficulty:  Slightly difficult        Type:  Mount

Also called a single leg press, perfect for building up your leg strength. Simply place one foot onto the line (start with your stronger one and practise the other later as well), put all your weight on it and then raise the other foot up and in front of you, fully extended.

The final move is a strong push against the line and you'll get into the standing position.

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Space shuttle

space shuttle mount

  Difficulty:  Slightly difficult        Type:  Mount

If you are looking for a funny way how to get onto the line, this one is for you. Ask a friend to lie on the ground and then push you into the air using his feet – so that you land on the slackline.

You would probably have to try it many times to find the right angle and also how strong the push should be – but I am sure it will be a lot of fun!

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Lying down

lying down on slackline

  Difficulty:  Slightly difficult        Type:  Static

You start the same way like during Sitting down – get into squat from a standing position, move one leg forward and sit. Afterwards, start lying down slowly (keeping balance using your arms) until your entire body is in one straight line.

Stay in that position for a while, and then get up the same way..

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Foot plant

foot plant

  Difficulty:  Moderately difficult        Type:  Static, Linking

An advanced version of the Drop knee move – you start the same way, but then shift all your weight on your back foot (you can even sit on it) and extend your front leg along the line.

It can be used as a standalone trick as well as for linking some other moves together.

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Double drop knee

double drop knee

  Difficulty:  Quite difficult        Type:  Static

Very popular and cool-looking, but also not particularly easy to learn. There are several ways how to get into the Double drop knee position, for example starting with a Drop knee, then into Foot plant and finally the DDK. Also, an alternative method is shown in the last video.

After you get into the position, it's important to lean back across the slackline to distribute your weight evenly on both sides of the line.

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Drop knee turn

Drop knee turn

  Difficulty:  Moderately difficult        Type:  Linking

Great move to join multiple tricks together and also not so difficult to learn.

After you master the Drop knee position, all you have to add is a turning move on one foot – after that you'll end up in another drop knee and ready for whatever other action.

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Inside drop knee turn

Inside drop knee turn

  Difficulty:  Quite difficult        Type:  Linking

Similar to the Drop knee turn, but more difficult and (at first) quite awkward to do. You start in some kind of combination of a Drop knee and Foot plant and once you are ready, you make a turn and end up in a Drop knee position.

Like it's easier version, it provides a nice way to join some other tricks together.

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Buddha sit

buddha sit

  Difficulty:  Moderately difficult        Type:  Static

Sitting down into the Buddha position can be most easily done using a Drop knee or Foot plant – just try what is easier and more comfortable for you. Also, the line should run slightly to one side, not directly under your tail bone as it can be quite painful.

When you want to get up again, you can use the Seated mount or Pistol mount for example.

You can also try a Sole food variation – see the first video.

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Buddha drop

buddha drop

  Difficulty:  Moderately difficult        Type:  Static, Linking

After you master the Buddha, you can further enhance it using this trick, also called a cross legged knee drop. After getting into the sitting position, rock yourself backwards a little and the lean forward and vault over into the final position.

While it is an interesting static pose, it can be also used to join some other tricks in a natural, flowing way.

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Playing musical instrument

Playing musical instrument while slacklining

  Difficulty:  Slightly difficult        Type:  Other, Walking

A real fun to do! If you play any musical instrument, grab it and try playing it while balancing on the line (or even walking!). Smaller stuff like ukulele or flute is easier of course, violin looks really cool. Other interesting choices include a guitar of course, hand drum, trumpet or even a didgeridoo. And I would really like to see a tuba or helicon in action!

Plus, this activity gets an entirely new dimension on highline :)

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slackline juggling

  Difficulty:  Moderately difficult        Type:  Other, Walking

A funny and impressive activity to do on a slackline – you would probably start with this trick while balancing on one foot (first video) and later try also walking while juggling – don't haste, make only small, slow steps. Using juggling clubs instead of balls (second video) can be a nice variation as well.

Of course, if you have never tried juggling, you have to learn it first – so watch the third video, a nice explanation of the learning process.

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Hula hoop

hula hooping

  Difficulty:  Moderately difficult        Type:  Other, Walking, Jump

I guess you have at least some experience with hula hooping – so why not to try it on the line? Start with simple rotating while balancing on one or both feet, then try walking.

What's so nice about the stunt, is that there exists a great number of hula hooping tricks you can use to your advantage! Jump through it, surf the line instead of just standing still (see both of these in the first video) or use several hoops at once. The second and third video will provide you with more than enough inspiration.

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  Difficulty:  Quite difficult        Type:  Other

An extremely popular trick that has been around from the beginnings of slacklining. Stand in the middle of the line (your feet sideways) and try to move the slackline with your lower body.

Start with small, slow swings and increase the power gradually, as you get used to this new type of movement. It's easier to learn on a looser line (also the arch is larger), however, a tighter line provides a more aggressive effect.

Of course, you can also surf with your feet inline on the line (second video). Another interesting version of this stunt is one legged surfing (see the third video), when you use one leg for moving the line, and the other for keeping balance. Or surfing on a longline (fourth video). And you can even try all of these with hands in your pockets!

Gibbon produces a line especially for surfing – the Surfline. However, you can do this trick on any other slackline, for example the Jibline or Classic.

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360° spin

360 degrees spin

  Difficulty:  Quite difficult        Type:  Linking

One full turn. After the 180°, we are going to double the number of degrees – again, it works nicely with Ollie, Jump mount or Forward leap.

Furthermore, you can see nice 360 bouncing combos in the second videoButt bounce to 360 to feet and back, BB to 360 to BB, and mixing a Chest bounce there as well. You can even move across the line using just 360 BBs!

Next in queue? The 540°!

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Back flip dismount

back flip dismount

  Difficulty:  Quite difficult        Type:  Jump

First backflip you are going to learn – don't worry, it's easier than it looks. Stand with your feet sideways, lean forward and using the trampoline effect of the line, make a smooth flip (the move doesn't have to be extra fast, watch the second video for Andy Lewis' elegant style). Of course, you can do it in parallel with the line as well (third video), start in another position, for example a Butt bounce (fourth video).

Start practicing on a waterline (if you have such possibility) to overcome the fear of rotating backwards, then switch to trampoline, and finally to slackline (use protective pads). Once you get this down, the BF with landing on the line is awaiting you!

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Expert slackline tricks

And finally, the tricklining masterclass – the most powerful jumps and bounces, challenging static poses and intricate walking styles.

For your own safety, do not try these stunts until you get enough experience and balance skills. Also, protective mattresses or similar pads are highly recommended for some of them.

Aerial flip dismount

aerial flip dismount

  Difficulty:  Difficult        Type:  Jump

A slightly less known flip, but certainly worth learning. Instead of jumping forward or backward, you rotate to the side, making something like a cartwheel without hands, and land on your feet.

As with Front and Backflip dismount, it's best to start on waterline, if you have such possibility. While on the line, use some mats for protection.

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540° spin

540 degrees spin

  Difficulty:  Very difficult        Type:  Linking

One and a half full turn. So once you master the 360°, it's time to add another half-spin – it will probably take a lot of time to learn (see the first video) so be patient.

Again, start with a Vertical jump, and then proceed into Butt bounces (second, third and fourth video) or Spraddle (fifth video) – the 540 will add a real power to your combos. Next stop? The 720°!

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Buddha bounce

buddha bounce

  Difficulty:  Difficult        Type:  Bounce

A combination of Buddha sit and bounce – you start in a standing position, fall onto the line (crossing your legs during that) and then bounce back.

Again, try landing a little sideways, not directly on your tail bone.

It can be also used as an interesting start of a bouncing combination.

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Back bounce

back bounce

  Difficulty:  Difficult        Type:  Bounce

One of the more difficult bounces, but it's also a valuable part of many bouncing combos and a real fun to do. While the first video shows some nice action, you can find a detailed tutorial in the second video (the key is to start slowly, from the ground, and gradually continue to the true back bounce).

While bouncing, keep your back tense. During practicing, you can also wear a sweatshirt to make the landing smoother.

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Atomic butt bounce

atomic butt bounce

  Difficulty:  Very difficult        Type:  Bounce, Jump

Here we have a combination of a Lemur leap and Butt bounce. It's better to start near the center of the line so that you land closer to the anchor – the sag isn't that high there so you won't hit the ground, also the line angle will help you get back on your feet.

This trick requires a great deal of practice and precision – but you will be rewarded with an awesome looking stunt.

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Chest bounce

chest bounce on slackline

  Difficulty:  Very difficult        Type:  Bounce

The most difficult and scary from the bounce family – but also a cool looking stunt and an essential part of all advanced bouncing combos.

You start in a standing position and then dive onto the line, grabbing it with one hand and laying on it with your chest, stomach and the opposite leg. After the bounce, you can get up again, or continue with some another trick right away.

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Mojo tap spin

mojo tap spin

  Difficulty:  Extra difficult        Type:  Combo, Bounce

A quick combo using two Chest bounces – start with the first one, and then use your arm and leg to push off and do a 180 degrees flat spin into the second bounce.

It takes a lot of practice to perform this trick, but once you get it down, it will certainly become one of your favorites. And after that, you can start working on the Mojo flat spin!

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Gambit swap

gambit swap

  Difficulty:  Difficult        Type:  Linking

A challenge both for your arm strength as well as balance skills. So in case you have problems, you can start practicing this move on the ground and then try it on a slackline again.

And after you master it, you'll get a nice way how to join several other tricks together.

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Said spin

said spin

  Difficulty:  Very difficult        Type:  Linking

Pronounced "Sigheed spin", it's an upgraded version of the Gambit swap. The first part is the same, but afterwards, you add an elegant spin and end up in  the starting position of the Inside drop knee turn.

Perfect for linking multiple tricks together.

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  Difficulty:  Very difficult        Type:  Linking

One of those little gymnastic tricks we know from school – while easy on ground, it's much more difficult to do on a slackline.

Start in a Drop knee position, then bend forward (your head next to the line from one side) and continue with a somersault over your shoulder – after that you can immediately continue with some other stunt.

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  Difficulty:  Very difficult        Type:  Linking

Another gymnastic move, also called a Bloody Stef by Daniel Mauser – proceed the same way you would do it on ground, just hold the line with both hands. You would probably start slowly (see the second video) and develop the full leg swing after you master keeping the balance.

Bear in mind this stunt could be quite dangerous, so tighten the line a lot to prevent it from swinging to the sides.

After you master it, you'll also get a great looking move to join some of the other tricks together – watch the third video for some inspiration. And finally, you can continue with learning the Bloody grab!

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Bloody Grab

bloody grab

  Difficulty:  Extra difficult        Type:  Linking

An advanced version of the Cartwheel, basically on one hand while you grab you foot with the other.

If you don't have any gymnastic experience, it would be probably very difficult for you to learn. But don't let that discourage you, train it a lot and you will be rewarded with such a great looking move!

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Back handspring

back handspring

  Difficulty:  Very difficult        Type:  Linking

And one more gymnastic move, this time in backwards motion. Again, practice on ground first (see the second video for instructions) and after you master it, continue on slackline.

You'll have to adapt to several differences (for example the position of your hands), but just a little patience and training and you can add another stunt to you library. Also, it can be also used to prepare yourself for the Backflip landed on line.

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Plane walk

plane walk

  Difficulty:  Difficult        Type:  Walking, Linking

The first of the two crazy walking styles developed from a Drop knee position. It's slightly less painful and easier, because instead of that leg shuffling, you make a step with one leg and then slide the other over the line (shin is the contact point).

During the slide, you shift your weight onto the front leg and lean forward, turning that leg's contact point from sole to the knee.

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Drop knee walk

drop knee walk

  Difficulty:  Very difficult        Type:  Walking, Linking

And here's the second crazy walking style. Again, start in the Drop knee position, then switch into a Buddha drop and start walking, drop a knee with each step. It may be a good idea to wear pants or longer socks to protect your shins, as this trick can be a little painful.

Also, it provides a perfect way to link other knee tricks together.

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One handed front lever

one handed elbow lever

  Difficulty:  Difficult        Type:  Static

A much more difficult version of the standard Front lever – after you get into that position, raise one hand and put it in front of you to better keep balance (first video) or behind your back (second video). Again, you can try it inline with the line as well (third video). Either way, you'll be be probably able to hold only for a very short time, but that's perfectly ok, every second counts.

This trick puts extremely high demand on your strength, but once you accomplish it, you'll have a really cool looking stunt in your arsenal.

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  Difficulty:  Very difficult        Type:  Static

Another trick that starts in the Drop knee position – once you get into it, lower your front knee down to the line, lean on it and start straightening your back leg. Lower your head and extend your arms out to the sides.

The line should run under the knee and shin of your front leg, and the back leg should be as straight as possible..

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  Difficulty:  Very difficult        Type:  Static

Origami is a difficult but really cool looking move – basically you fold yourself into a crossline variation of a Buddha position. Again, start practicing it on the ground and that move onto the line.

When getting up, you just unfold your body the same way.

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slackline handstand

  Difficulty:  Extra difficult        Type:  Static

One of the most advanced static poses. It can be dangerous as well, so start on slackline after you can do a handstand on ground without any problems.

Do not hurry, start from ground (second video) and switch to the line-start (first video) later. Use some mats or similar protection under the line in case you fall, you can also ask a friend (or two) to give you a helping hand during your first tries.

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720° spin

720 degrees spin

  Difficulty:  Extra difficult        Type:  Linking

Two full turns. Next in line after 540°, we have the 720. And things are starting to get really difficult, you would probably have to practise a lot to master this move. 

In the first video, you can see a 720 Ollie by Felix Hachfeld, and in the second one, a slow motion 720 Butt bounce by Carlos Netinho. Enjoy!

And if this is still not enough for you, head over to the 900°!

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Front flip landing on the line

front flip landing on slackline

  Difficulty:  Extra difficult        Type:  Jump

After you master the FF dismount, it is time to learn the true slackline frontflip – landing on the line.

Probably the most difficult thing on this move is that you can't see the line when landing – so it takes a lot of practice to learn how to place your feet properly. On the other hand, it's less fearsome to rotate forward than backwards.

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Back flip landing on the line

back flip landing on slackline

  Difficulty:  Extra difficult        Type:  Jump

Contrary to the Frontflip, the BF has an advantage that you see the line before landing – so you can adjust your feet position to land safely and stay on the line. On the other hand, the BF is more mentally challenging, so practice the dismount version a lot to overcome any fear.

In the following videos you can see two BF examples and also Andy Lewis' BF into BF (third video)! Plus, you can also try the Squirrel BF.

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Extreme slackline tricks

This section is rather a subcategory of the expert tricks – the most crazy and difficult ones. To master these, one has to acquire a truly exceptional strength and balance skill!

Squirrel backflip

squirrel backflip

  Difficulty:  CRAZY        Type:  Jump

If a normal BF landed on the line isn't enough for you, we have an upgraded version here. It has a nice, poetic name (the second video shows you where it comes from) and basically what you have to do, is grab your ankles while rotating.

Of course, you need to jump really high to get enough time for the grab – which makes this stunt a real aerial adventure!

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Mojo flat spin

mojo flat spin

  Difficulty:  CRAZY        Type:  Combo, Bounce

An upgraded variation of the popular Mojo tap spin – again using two Chest bounces, but between them is a full 360 degrees flat spin. A strong push using your arm is necessary to achieve enough power to rotate all the way around.

Of course, this move requires an enormous amount of practice – but it's definitely worth it.

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Fearless – buttflip to chestbounce


  Difficulty:  CRAZY        Type:  Combo, Bounce

An impressive move, first landed by Brenden Gebhart (first repeats by Alex Mason and Andy Lewis).

You start in a standing position, dive into a Butt bounce and then do a full front flip and land using a Chest bounce. And after that, you can continue with some other combos right away (see the video).

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Back magic – back bounce, backflip, back bounce

back magic

  Difficulty:  CRAZY        Type:  Combo, Bounce

Joining two already really difficult moves together by a backflip, that's just sick. You start by falling into a Back bounce, then use a backflip into a second BackB, and finally into a standing position.

First landed by Andy Lewis in August 2012, not using padding when practicing (see the beginning of the video)! I guess you would rather want to use some…

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  Difficulty:  CRAZY        Type:  Static

An impressive pose to do on slackline, however you'll probably spend a lot of time just stretching your muscles and training it on ground (watch the third video for some tips). It's possible to try both normal and straddle splits position.

Start in a standing position on the line, spread your legs and bend one knee slightly (see the first video), then start getting lower and lower slowly, until you finally reach the desired pose. If that's too difficult for you, try another technique – get into a Foot plant first and then straighten your back leg behind you.

Also, try to stay as long as you can in the pose – like in the second video.

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900° spin

900 degrees spin

  Difficulty:  CRAZY        Type:  Linking

Two and a half full turns – after a difficult 720°, this one's really crazy! First landed by Justin Wagers (aka Ragers) in June 2012.

And in October 2012, the Ascension 900 (chestbounce to 900 to buttbounce) was landed by Travis Brown.

Let's see how long it will take until someone lands the 1080! ;-)

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1080° spin

1080 degrees spin

  Difficulty:  INSANE        Type:  Linking

And after the crazy 900°, we have 3 full turns now. Take a look at João Vitor’s awesome performance in the videos below!



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Double backflip dismount

Double backflip dismount from slackline

  Difficulty:  CRAZY        Type:  Jump

A normal Backflip dismount is not that difficult – however, when you double the number of flips, you get a real challenge.

To accomplish this trick properly, you should land in a standing position – but any kind of safe landing on feet is a success. In the first video, you can see Andy Lewis during Gibbon Slackline Cup 2012, and in the other ones a Double Bf dismount from a Butt bounce!

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Double backflip landing on the line

Double backflip landing on slackline

  Difficulty:  BRUTAL        Type:  Jump

The ultimate flip, what more should I say… Similar to the insane Double backflip dismount, but the different landing requirement makes it much more difficult.

Till this day, there has not been any successful attempt (landed on feet) – so when you see somebody perform this monster trick, let me know!

The video is Andy Lewis' DBF dismount attempt from ISPO 2010, I think it provides a nice illustration.

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Thank You List

The encyclopedia would not exist without dozens of great videos filmed by passionate slackliners – I would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to all of them!

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5 Responses to “Slackline Tricks Encyclopedia”


I can’t find my shoulderstand and shoulder flip on this list. Do you want to add them? Thanks.

Why do people say ‘front lever’ when referring to an elbow lever in slacklining? A real front lever is a couple of orders of magnitude harder than an elbow lever. Furthermore, A real front lever should be doable, as long as there is enough clearance underneath the line.

Hey Robby! I was thinking the same, but found no answer – just that it’s called this way in slacklining :)
I guess the reason why real front lever doesn’t appear in tricklining is because there is no balancing on the line involved (which doesn’t make it easy of course :) ) – on the other hand, the elbow lever requires a good cross-line balance skills…

Hi :) I can’t view any of the videos.. I was just curious if anyone else has that issue…
Also.. thanks so much for this site! I’m new to slacklining and this site is is gold to me!

Hi, I am sorry to hear that. I tried changing one setting on the plugin that manages Youtube videos so please try again, maybe it was the case. Otherwise maybe trying a different browser…
And thanks a lot for your kind words :) Cheers!


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